Why Therapy or Counselling?

Why should you want to see a Psychological Therapist & Counsellor?

There are many reasons why you may be feeling mentally or emotionally unwell.  

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes we cope better than at other times.  

We all need someone to talk to from time to time.

It may be that:-

• You are in emotional pain

• You feel life is complicated and you are having difficulty in coping

• You feel anger, grief, hate, dread and/or shame

• You are anxious

• You are depressed

• You have addictions

• You have negative thoughts and/or obsessions

• You have flashbacks, and/or memories that upset you

• You are experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

• You just want someone to talk to in a safe confidential space

• You are struggling with your relationship(s)

• You are struggling with wounds from your childhood

If everything is going well in your life, in yourself and you are satisfied with everything, there is no need for therapy.

But if you have a problem, therapy is a process in which someone acts as a catalyst and observer, helping you to see things more clearly for yourself.

In no way does the therapist cure’ or fix’ anyone. A session is a situation when another person acts as a facilitator or guide, helping the client to see their own stuff from another perspective. Sometimes, a therapist just listens, sometimes offers observations or guidance, sometimes gives tasks or homework which is helpful.

If life is not going well, your unconscious usually lets you know. First by whispering it through dreams, next by feelings of anxiety or depression. You may be doing or thinking things which are making you unhappy.

Mental illness and emotional distress are invariably the result of basic human emotional needs not being met, and/or the misuse of some of the natural resources that we have been given to enable us to get our needs met. Most people continue to be able to function but just feel unhappy. Some people find themselves in some kind of emotional or life crisis. A few people end up in prison or on the streets because they have not been able to deal with their problems or issues and life can spiral out of control. Sadness, anger and confusion are the natural indicators that all is not well. Therapy can provide a way to help you see more clearly what is not working in your life, and what you can do to help yourself live more peacefully.

There are many theoretical approaches to psychotherapy. After many years in practice, Annie has a deep and wide therapeutic toolbox and is experienced in many approaches from Mindfulness to Rogerian, Freudian to NLP, CBT to NVC, and Imago Therapy.  She often uses a Solution Focussed approach. (Details on other pages under this menu).  The form known as Human Givens is particularly non-intrusive and non-voyeuristic. The therapist does not need to know the details of whatever your memories hold, or whatever you have experienced in the past. In Human Givens, the therapist utilises resources that are, as far as we know, fairly unique to human beings: a long-term memory, intelligence, a rational mind and your imagination. People often get unwell when their imagination runs out of control, and helping you to understand your thoughts can sometimes be all that is required.   Annie will use her intuition and experience to apply the best therapeutic approach to each client.

The therapist aims to get you back to happy, healthy living as quickly as possible. Sometimes one session is enough, sometimes it takes a few sessions, some people need more. But the therapist, once they have started with a client, will be there for you for as long as YOU feel the need. You can stop anytime you want, but the therapist will always be there for you.

All sessions are always confidential.  The only exception is if the therapist hears anything which could put a child under 16 at risk, or believes that the client is at risk to themselves in which case the therapist is obliged by law to tell someone.  This is a legal requirement but Annie will tell the client if she is going to do this.  In some legal cases courts are empowered to subpoena notes, but Annie keeps brief, non-diagnostic notes.  You are entitled to see your notes at any time. Notes are kept in a safe, confidential place and are anonymised.